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Hannah Ziskin’s Princess Cake

Makes one 6-inch cake

Princess Cake is a complex undertaking with many components, but the result is well worth it. The version we serve at Quarter Sheets is ethereally light, rich & zippy all the same time—truly more than the sum of its parts. You can make some components, like the chiffon cake and the jam, far in advance (keep in the freezer or fridge, respectively, until the day you plan to build the cake) to alleviate some of the production time. The cake must be built and kept in the fridge overnight the day before you intend to garnish and serve it, so that the components have time to meld. This will yield a beautifully so cake with flavors that shine, and also make covering the cake in whipped cream and marzipan much easier. The finished cake can be stored in the fridge overnight in a cake box or cake keeper, and leftovers can be enjoyed up to 4 days after the cake is finished.